AKA The Rules
The whole rules and nothing but the rules.
All opinions here are our own. Whether or not we have been compensated, we’re still going to drink wine and then provide our honest opinions about it.
I mean, who is not going to drink wine? Especially if it’s gratis?
If we’ve been paid for a review or provided with the wine, we will say so. We will still write our opinion, however we will provide the client with an option to withhold the post. Trust is important, any glowing reviews we write need to be real, or at the very least glowing thanks to imbibing a healthy quantity that evening.
If you want us to review your product or your wine, please get in touch. We would love to feature it. Acceptance of a sample does not guarantee a review.
Media inquiries, vineyard reviews, event reviews and press trip inquiries are also welcome.
We live in British Columbia, Canada, located an easy jaunt to Calgary, Alberta. Our location is occasionally relevant for taxes, shipping and other legal bits. In special cases, we will travel to Montana in order to hold a tasting. The more detail you can provide about a wine, the more detailed and useful a review we can provide to others.