What is Your Myers-Briggs Type as a Cocktail?

Sure, the Myers-Briggs is great for determining what your personality type is for work, but how good is it at picking out what kind of cocktail suits you best? We dug into the different MBTI personality types to find the very best cocktail options for each of the 16 personalities.

If you haven’t already done one, you’ll definitely need to take a Myers-Briggs test to find out what your MBTI personality is before you dive into finding the signature cocktail that suits you best.

ISTJ – Classic Martini

The Logistician (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)

ISTJ - Classic Martini cocktail

This timeless cocktail, made with gin and a hint of dry vermouth, perfectly embodies the ISTJ’s practical and no-nonsense nature. Just like the ISTJ, the Classic Martini is sophisticated, refined, and always adheres to a tried-and-true recipe. Sip on this cocktail while organizing your impeccably arranged bookshelf and plotting your next meticulously planned project.

ISFJ – White Russian

The Defender (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)

ISFJ - White Russian

A creamy and comforting blend of vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream, the White Russian complements the ISFJ’s warm and nurturing personality. Like the ISFJ, this cocktail is reliable, inviting, and always there to offer a comforting presence. Savor this delightful concoction while tending to others’ needs and creating a cozy atmosphere.

INFJ – Sazerac

The Advocate (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)

INFJ - Sazerac

The Sazerac, a New Orleans classic, captures the INFJ’s depth and sophistication. With a combination of rye whiskey, absinthe, sugar, and bitters, it offers a complex and contemplative experience. Like the INFJ, this cocktail is a mix of intriguing layers that leave a lasting impression. Enjoy a Sazerac while delving into philosophical discussions or pondering the mysteries of the universe.

INTJ – Negroni

The Architect (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

INTJ - Negroni

The Negroni’s bold and complex combination of gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth perfectly matches the INTJ’s intellectual prowess. Like the INTJ, this cocktail is strong, sharp, and demands attention. Sip on a Negroni while analyzing intricate systems, devising grand strategies, or simply contemplating your next world domination plan.

ISTP – Manhattan

The Virtuoso (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

ISTP - Manhattan

The Manhattan, a classic whiskey cocktail, reflects the ISTP’s independent and adventurous spirit. Made with rye whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters, it’s a drink that exudes confidence and a touch of mystery. Like the ISTP, this cocktail is cool, collected, and always up for an exhilarating journey. Savor a Manhattan while embracing your love for tinkering with machines or exploring the great outdoors.

ISFP РPi̱a Colada

The Adventurer (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)

ISFP - Piña Colada

Just like the ISFP, the Piña Colada is a tropical delight that evokes a sense of tranquility and harmony. With its blend of rum, coconut cream, and pineapple juice, it transports you to a paradise of relaxation and sensory pleasure. Sip on a Piña Colada while immersing yourself in the beauty of nature or expressing your artistic soul.

INFP – French 75

The Mediator (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving)

INFP -  French 75

The elegant and effervescent French 75, a mixture of gin, champagne, lemon juice, and sugar, captures the whimsical and creative spirit of the INFP. Like the INFP, this cocktail is charming, dreamy, and a touch romantic. Sip on a French 75 while getting lost in a captivating novel or embracing your poetic musings.

INTP – Mojito

The Logician (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving)

INTP -  Mojito

With its refreshing blend of rum, muddled mint leaves, lime juice, sugar, and soda water, the Mojito matches the curious and analytical nature of the INTP. Like the INTP, this cocktail is a perfect balance of complexity and simplicity, stimulating both the mind and the senses. Sip on a Mojito while engaging in thought-provoking conversations or unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

ESTP – Margarita

The Entrepreneur (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

ESTP -  Margarita

A lively and spirited concoction of tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur, the Margarita perfectly embodies the energetic and adventurous nature of the ESTP. Like the ESTP, this cocktail is vibrant, outgoing, and the life of the party. Sip on a Margarita while embracing your love for excitement, taking risks, and creating unforgettable moments.

ESFP – Mai Tai

The Entertainer (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)

ESFP -  Mai Tai

The Mai Tai, a tropical blend of rum, orange curaçao, orgeat syrup, and lime juice, matches the ESFP’s lively and free-spirited personality. Like the ESFP, this cocktail is full of energy, bursting with vibrant flavors, and always the center of attention. Sip on a Mai Tai while dancing the night away, surrounded by friends and positive vibes.

ENFP – Cosmopolitan

The Campaigner (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving)

ENFP - Cosmopolitan

The Cosmopolitan, a mix of vodka, cranberry juice, orange liqueur, and lime juice, captures the ENFP’s vibrant and sociable nature. Like the ENFP, this cocktail is fun, flirtatious, and never fails to make a memorable impression. Sip on a Cosmopolitan while engaging in lively conversations, embracing your social butterfly tendencies, and inspiring others with your infectious enthusiasm.

ENTP – Espresso Martini

The Debater (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving)

ENTP - Espresso Martini

The Espresso Martini, a combination of vodka, coffee liqueur, espresso, and sugar syrup, matches the ENTP’s quick wit and intellectual prowess. Like the ENTP, this cocktail is bold, stimulating, and keeps you on your toes. Sip on an Espresso Martini while engaging in lively debates or brainstorming inventive ideas that ignite your insatiable curiosity.

ESTJ – Whiskey Sour

The Executive (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)

ESTJ - Whiskey Sour

The Whiskey Sour, made with whiskey, lemon juice, and sugar, is a straightforward and no-nonsense cocktail that resonates with the practical and assertive nature of the ESTJ. Like the ESTJ, this cocktail is strong, reliable, and always gets the job done. Sip on a Whiskey Sour while effortlessly managing projects, making decisive decisions, or taking charge of any situation that comes your way.

ESFJ – Daiquiri

The Consul (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)

ESFJ - Daiquiri

A delightful blend of rum, lime juice, and sugar, the Daiquiri perfectly matches the warm and nurturing personality of the ESFJ. Like the ESFJ, this cocktail is approachable, caring, and a perfect companion for social gatherings. Sip on a Daiquiri while connecting with others, spreading joy, and ensuring everyone feels welcome and appreciated.

ENFJ – Bellini

The Protagonist (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)

ENFJ - Bellini

The Bellini, a mixture of Prosecco and peach purée, captures the ENFJ’s charismatic and compassionate spirit. Like the ENFJ, this cocktail is bubbly, inviting, and radiates warmth and kindness. Sip on a Bellini while building meaningful connections, uplifting others, and creating a harmonious atmosphere wherever you go.

ENTJ – Whiskey Smash

The Commander (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

ENTJ - Whiskey Smash

The Whiskey Smash, made with whiskey, muddled mint, lemon juice, and simple syrup, matches the ENTJ’s assertive and strategic nature. Like the ENTJ, this cocktail is bold, powerful, and commands attention. Sip on a Whiskey Smash while conquering goals, leading with confidence, and leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Remember, these Myers-Briggs inspired cocktail descriptions are all in good fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. So raise your glass and toast to the unique quirks and characteristics of each Myers-Briggs personality type, with a touch of wit and a dash of humor! Cheers!

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